TikTok: An Explanation for Old People (aka 25+)

While Barstool might cater to the college kid and early twenty-something, there are plenty of us who are not that audience. There are many of us who are close to or past the age of 30 and it's tough for us to keep up with the times, trends, and tech - none more clear than TikTok.

I started on TikTok about six months ago as a joke and now I'm addicted, which is the story for honestly most users (they say it right in their bio). There are many people who would be considered young (I'm 28) but might think of themselves as "too old" to be on TikTok either because they've heard that everyone on it is in high school (they're not) or because young people have shamed them for being on it.

I'm here to be your guide. TikTok is actually the perfect app to be on during quarantine because it's an easy time-waster, you're looking at strangers not at friends, and it's a large mixed bag of humor and attractive people getting attention. So here's TikTok 101 for the person who is over the age of 25:

Number 1: If you run by an attractive person's video, and it's a little ummm risqué(?), before you like it, check the bio for any reference to their age.

This is very important because the algorithm works to show you more of what you like just like any other social media app. If you watch a video all the way through, like it, add it to your favorites, etc. the app will show more of it. So if you like a 16 year old's video, you'll see more of those and then Chris Hansen just walks through your door.

Number 2: The Woah

If you are going to be on TikTok, you have to know what the "woah" is. Basically it's a move that requires a subtle crossing of your arms and it's a part of literally every dance.

Number 3: Audio Challenges

The way most things go viral on TikTok is that someone puts up an Original video with some kind of audio and then that audio is applied to a multitude of other situations. Then that audio can be downloaded and changed and a new, exponential multitude of other situations are then posted, and it becomes a meme. TikTok is essentially a video meme platform that uses original content to become a part of the culture. If you want to start posting on TikTok make sure you know this.

Number 4: Post as much as you want and don't give a fuck

TikTok has this weird, uncanny ability to make regular people famous as fuck with tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of followers. They do this because if regular people see other regular people get famous, it encourages them to keep posting because maybe they'll get famous too. And no you don't have to just be a hot girl like on Instagram. Plenty of ugly dudes and fat people on famous too and it's because they've found their audience. So post a way!

Number 5: There are some DARK corners of TikTok.

When I refer to dark, I'm talking about like goth and emo shit where some people out there take the opportunity to express themselves through some CRAZY ways (e.g. makeup, audio, etc.). If you're looking to dip to your toes in, it's pretty easy to find through hashtag searching, but just be prepared.
